Michael, you're the boy with the leather hips, sticky hair, sticky hips

I'm waiting ever so patiently to watch Michael Phelps break some records, but something occurred to me the other day-which is how he slightly looks like Fogell (McLovin') from Superbad.

I'm convinced that if Phelps never took up swimming (exchange for a chess board) they'd look a lot alike. 
Aside from this probably only post nonsense about something slightly about the Olympics (hey I grew up religiously watching these sports) the stache Phelps was rocking a while ago...oh yeah.

1 comment:

Aaron said...

This kind of puts me in the mood to watch 'Superbad.' It's somewhere in my bedroom, still in its shrink wrap. I should bust it out.

And because I don't have much bulk, I often like to brag to people that I have a "swimmer's build." But this is actually a misnomer. The correct term I'm looking for is just plain old "scrawny." haha