I ain't shit without tits

Hanging out with my cousin for a few days converted me back to watching telenovelas. It's one of those camp cases-it's so bad it's good. She briefly told me about this new novela that started tonight called Sin Senos No Hay Paraiso which translate to Without Breasts There is No Paradise.  It's based off a Colombian novela which was actually called Sin Tetas No Hay Paraiso so I guess the word tits is a no no for Telemundo. 

From the little bit that I watched it looked pretty decent.  It takes big balls to have a prime time show about a teenage girl that becomes prostitute because she's poor and wants big tits (two words honey-Easy Curves). Oh and her brother is a hired killer for a drug trafficker. Amazing. It's trashy and realistic. Apparently NBC Universal picked it up for an English version as well and might be out by the 2008-2009 season. Competition is fierce with Ugly Betty (as that is also a spin off of the hands down best telenovela ever-Betty la Fea) on the ABC side of the television.

I'm not sure how telenovelas got started but I find it interesting its the only thing on during prime time for spanish channels. Sitcoms and drama are package into a novela. All of them have the same plot line: someone poor or ugly is misunderstood, then later becomes rich or beautiful and they stick to their guns. Also there is always someone trying to bring them down. 
I'm glad this is a long tradition in spanish tv, but I wish more for my creative people. There's better scripts to write. Trash to prosper and inspire. 

Whatever happened to shows like El Chavo del 8?

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