Hold my hands-don't ask why

The first half 2008 is done and I am wondering what songs from 08 has capture my heart. Sure there are a quite a butt load that haunts my mind, but there aren't a lot that were released in 08. Bummer.

Even album released so far in 08 had no affect on me (aside from one). I am bit let down on some of my old favorites-My Morning Jacket (Evil Urges) and I can't even let myself to listen to the new Mates of State. It's not that I don't love them anymore but that I have almost given up on concept of albums. I think only a few can make albums-everyone else should release singles-or an album of singles. Why waste everyones time with fillers. Possibly this opinion is completely influenced by my love of pop music. I love pop tunes, and I wish the world more of them. I champion 7"s for this reason. There's this philosophical notion when it comes to 7"s-it's a celebration of short moments and those collective short moments are how we live. 

Back to 2008-I've spend most of it listening to The Feelies, Husker Du, and new loves like Young Marble Giants and Black Tambourine. There has been much room for 2008 in 2008. Though I have to say I am completely head over heels for Vivian Girls.

Their single Wild Eyes could possibly be my favorite song of 2008. I've been obsessing over that song for the past 2 months and for being exactly 2 minutes long I've played it nonstop. It's as though Tiger Trap had babies with a bunch of nihilists. Oh and did I mention that the single is released as a 7" format? The Airfields' YR So Wonderful would be my favorite, but it was released last year-in Cloudberry Records no less! How did I manage to let that slip by!? 

Well I'm going to wait ever so patience for Stereolab's Chemical Chords because they don't let down, and they know how to make pop albums. Plus the cover is pretty sweet. 


Richard said...

The Vivian girls sound awesome!

Pop hasn't been too promising in '08, but there have been few good things. Don't forget that Raveonettes joint. That right there can fill up a best songs of '08 list. Also the Crystal Stilts ep is very good, along the same lines as the Raveonettes though. The new B-52s is pretty awesome too.

Angelica said...

I almost wrote about the Crystal Stilts but my ramblings made me forget about them.

When the end of the year comes I'm sure my list is going to be mostly the Raveonettes <3

Anonymous said...

The stereolab cover looks like unicorn vomit.
