I know someone who knows someone who knows Pam Berry quite well

There's certain album covers that goes unnoticed, until on day you have your headphones one listening to the album and you're staring at the cover. Then it hits you. Why haven't I noticed something so simple and beautiful? Simplicity with a small twist that knocks you down. That's how I felt when I actually stared at Black Tambourine's Complete Recording. You stare at the front; you turn it around, then bow!

The surprise Pam Berry was holding out on you. In the front she looks like she's reaching out, a longing, then of course that longing can only be harmful to all. I do have to say, if I had any lick of talent when it comes to music I would want to be in a band that sounds like Black Tambourine. It's pop-but the lovely dark, loud, noisey and moody kind. But back to the gun. There's something so seductive about a woman with a weapon, but at the same time it holds as protection for that seduction. I guess if you listen to Black Tambourine you get why Pam Berry is holding that gun. The great sentence in the liner notes said "Oh the violence of crushes." Stephen Pastel-throw Aggi off the bridge. If not for me, for Pam Berry. Baby, please, ditch the fool.

Another album cover that did the same thing for me is My Bloody Valentine's You Made Me Realise.
I get chills looking at that.

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