In an interview with Katie Couric, Glenn Beck did not define what is "white culture" in response of his belief that Obama has a deep-seated hatred for the white culture. First he failed by saying he didn't know, then doing his best Michael Scott impersonation by leaving you wtf?
Hm, since I had a difficult time figuring out what entails white culture, I headed over at Stuff White People Like to find out.
The last entry (#128) in Stuff White People Like is camping. Does Obama hate camping? The woods are awesome with its creepiness and crisp wind -- how can anyone hate that? Jokes aside, why is anyone taking Glenn Beck serious? The dude is obviously a joke, but there is a factor in there that is quite annoying, he and Fox are making money. Color of Change's campaign to voice their (our) distaste with advertisers supporting Glenn Beck's program. Sixty-two companies have pulled out their support.
Glenn Beck is not the only one getting a backlash from their negative view on people corrupting white culture. Lou Dobbs a "birther" has repeatedly reported lies about Latinos and immigrants which fuels hatred (with crime) towards my people. The website Basta Dobbs is asking CNN to stop Lou Dobbs with his extreme views on this so-called most trusted in news news outlet.
Enough is enough, Ya Basta!
I appreciate her persistence in asking a legitimate question, but I just wish she wasn't so soft about it, considering his job; entertainer disguised as a news/politics opinion maker. His crap gets shown in millions of homes across the country, he should be more responsible with his ideas and words since he's not able to defend them.
He's stuck in a situation where if he did choose to defend his statement and remove any doubt, he'd lose probably all of his advertisement.
So I do want to see him make an ass of himself and loose his job, but he's not THAT stupid.
God I hate that guy.
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