Hate on Today

I'm still not sure why I continue to watch the Today show. It's a routine I do in order to wake up. My alarm goes off, I turn it off, I turn on the tv (which is always left on the pervious channel -- Conan, Jimmy) and I go back to sleep. The nonsense that the Today show reports on always wakes me up. Something I disagree on or something I wonder the importance of the news they are reporting always gets me up in a fury. 

But today's interview with Michelle Malkin was awkward for Matt Lauer and wtf? to the sane Americans watching. Why give a right wing racial a slot at 7am? Why start off the today with hate? Malkin rambled about how Obama is a "racial opportunist" and her lame theories in her new book Culture of Corruption.

Even though I felt the hate through the television, I couldn't help but feel sad for her. She must have a lot of self-hate.

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