Killer Coke's delicious new design makeover

I noticed a few months ago the new design for Nestea's Iced Tea bottles. Not that I know anything about good design, but I really like it. The old one looked too much like a soda bottle and it looked sporty. I guess it's mountainish features reminds me of sports. But this sleek bottle is pretty European therefore it's cool. Simple and futuristic. Futuristic because the yellow and gray remind me of my futuristic dress that has pockets (and I think in the future every dress should have pockets.) Plus it now comes with 50 more antioxidants. Yummy antioxidants. Yummy corporations that kill union leaders from my country. It's how I like my drinks.

1 comment:

Aaron said...

This is what it says on the back of the Zephyrhills water bottle I'm drinking from right now:

"Eco-shape Bottle. Our bottle looks and feels different because it is purposely designed with an average of 30% less plastic* to be easier on the environment. We can all make a difference, please recycle."

You'll notice that there's an asterisk next to "plastic", so here's the disclaimer:

"* Versus comparable sizes, leading beverage brands"

I wonder if that's just their way of saying, through legalese, that 30% is a completely arbitrary number that they picked out of a hat. haha