Viva la suck

Album I most likely never get based on cover and band:
How do you make a reference to one artist (Kahlo) using a painting from another (Delacroix)? One of my degrees is on Art History-so Coldplay you don't fool me. 

Interesting fact-In 1999 an album called Viva La Revolution by Dragon Ash was released juxtaposed Delacroix's painting with their god knows what:

Here's a tastefully done cover art using a famous artwork:
Oh yeah. Gregory Crewdson's photography remind me of a scene you would see in a film. A film that is eerie, atmospheric and just utterly beautiful. This album (And Then Nothing Turned Itself Inside-Out) goes hand and hand with the album cover.  I doubt that Coldplay's new album is going to make me want to lead a revolution or make me want to live the life (actually its quite the opposite).  


Richard said...

Coldplay will continue to suck in my book too.

Although, Gregory Crewdson and Yo La Tengo, what a perfect pair.

Aaron said...

Haha, the newest issue of SPIN magazine came in the mail the other day and Coldplay is on the cover. That immediately reminded me of this post lol. And I haven't gotten around to actually reading it yet, but if you're curious, the blurbs on the front cover also include mention of Nine Inch Nails, Paul Weller, Nas, She & Him, and Wolf Parade.