Where Are They Now?

Bizzaro world we live in. Since watching Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull I've been wondering whatever happened to Jonathan Ke Quan (Data from Goonies, Short Round from Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom) I started doing my research and I found another blogger (who also blogs about tv, films and pop culture-but with an emphasis on the 1980s) just a few days ago asking the same darn question.
Come back to my life.
Come back to our lives.

So apparently he graduated from USC's School of Cinema Television, with interest of everything but being our beloved Data.
But this picture shows sweetness:

Wow, that is way too much for me to handle. The slightly oversized sweater with three dudes, sitting on a crate (because you know actors like sitting outside in the ghetto playing dominos) and the thumb up! I love a good thumb up (and high five!) and well Jonathan looks like he had a great time putting that thumb up.
So I guess my quest has ended. There's not much information about his whereabouts.

But I'll leave you with this lovely quote:

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