A Dream Come True
"A few years ago, I began to notice the appearance of wrinkles in my cleavage area. No matter how much I used creams or exercised, the creases didn’t go away. So I began to research the cause and learned a lot. Because I sleep on my side – like millions of women do – I learned that gravity and the pressure of my breasts resting on top of each other while sleeping was the culprit. I consulted several physicians and found that there were no products available in the market that support a side-sleeping woman’s breasts, without the use of a bra, adhesives or restrictive clothing. My quest had begun.
The more that I learned, the more I was inspired to develop a product that would not only offer beauty benefits, but support the needs of side-sleeping women. While health care professionals recommend side-sleeping for proper spine alignment, a woman’s breasts often make sleeping in this position uncomfortable. And women everywhere can benefit from a good night’s sleep!
After researching, designing and carefully testing my product, I’m very pleased with the results – and I hope that you will be, too. Not only does Kush offer more natural rest for the breasts for a more comfortable sleep, it helps to prevent the appearance of cleavage lines and wrinkles. I sleep better at night and I feel better about my appearance during the day. Kush is a dream come true."
Cathinka Chandler
CEO Kush