Feed me with your kiss

My Bloody Valentine's Glider 1990:

Bloc Party's Intimacy 2008:

The better band has the better cover. Glider makes me want to makeout, Intimacy doesn't.


The beat dies

I'm not one to write reviews about releases, because frankly if I were to explain the album you would have to be me listening to it. There are no words whatsoever that explain what music does to me. That is if it doesn't suck or if it's not mediocre. In that case I would just say "that sucks" or "eh".

But here I am typing this, because I've been listening to this Beauty Dies EP for about a week now, and love it to pieces. It the gap between Pretty in Black and Lust Lust Lust. It's poppy, still dark and emotional, without being sad/happy/cute emotional. Plus it makes me want to wear a black dress with black shades and dance in a large empty hall by myself, or maybe if I'm up to it dancing with one person, but still in that large empty hall. 

The stand out track in this 4 track EP has to be Young and Beautiful. It makes me sink so low. It's beautiful, tragic, and everything that I love about the Raveonettes rocked and rolled into this song. Somehow they amaze me how they write the same song (heartbreak, love, wearing black, being beautiful and young, and death) yet its still so refreshing. I can easily say this is one of those pop tunes I've been searching for all this year. I think I have maybe two hand filled now. But this is special in any case because boy/girl harmonies makes me swoon.

About this third installment of their fall/winter EP releases, I read an interview with Sune Rose Wagner (here at Culture Bully) that he wishes people recorded more singles instead of albums. Finally, I don't feel utterly alone when I say that statement.


Death to organization

Sunday's Favorite Selection #11:

Side note: Watching The Science of Sleep can be very painful for me, but I still love it.


I know someone who knows someone who knows Pam Berry quite well

There's certain album covers that goes unnoticed, until on day you have your headphones one listening to the album and you're staring at the cover. Then it hits you. Why haven't I noticed something so simple and beautiful? Simplicity with a small twist that knocks you down. That's how I felt when I actually stared at Black Tambourine's Complete Recording. You stare at the front; you turn it around, then bow!

The surprise Pam Berry was holding out on you. In the front she looks like she's reaching out, a longing, then of course that longing can only be harmful to all. I do have to say, if I had any lick of talent when it comes to music I would want to be in a band that sounds like Black Tambourine. It's pop-but the lovely dark, loud, noisey and moody kind. But back to the gun. There's something so seductive about a woman with a weapon, but at the same time it holds as protection for that seduction. I guess if you listen to Black Tambourine you get why Pam Berry is holding that gun. The great sentence in the liner notes said "Oh the violence of crushes." Stephen Pastel-throw Aggi off the bridge. If not for me, for Pam Berry. Baby, please, ditch the fool.

Another album cover that did the same thing for me is My Bloody Valentine's You Made Me Realise.
I get chills looking at that.


Viviendo en la era Pop!

Sunday's Favorite Selection #10:

Beginning side note: Sadly the actual video I wanted to put up has no embedding code. If you care to actually watch what I wanted to put up please do watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbF1phW2xLI
The reason why I'm putting this video up is because it's the same song (but doesn't sound as lushly good another version) and this video has Pedro Almodovar (era 1980s) singing and dancing along in some sort of drugged state.

End side note: Roque who told me about Zombies sometime last year and who hooked with me with other like minded awesomeness Spanish pop bands from the 80s was singing a song yesterday-one I know too well and too little. A very rare song called Red Go-Cart was in a mixtape my sister's friend made for her back in 1996. My sister's friend wrote that it was by Bunnygrunt but a few years ago when I discovered this tape I failed to find out what release it was from. This happened for a few reasons:
1. This was back when Bunnygrunt wasn't together, and there was little information on them-except that they were once called "The World's Cutest Band".
2. That song wasn't by Bunnygrunt.
3. My sister's friend knew little of Bunnygrunt (even at the time when they were first together) because in another mixtape for my sister she wrote that a song was called "Refrigerator". That ended up being a big mystery for me because I loved that song (still do) and while looking for the song titles in all their LPs-none were called Refrigerator. 

Which leads me back to Roque, because back at that time (Red Go-Cart and Bunnygrunt era) I didn't know him, but he was my neighbor once on last.fm. I saw him listening to a song called Favorite Food by Bunnygrunt (which favorite food was a part the lyrics of "Refrigerator"). I sent him a message asking him if he knew what release it was in and he told me. Two years later I finally got that 7". Probably one of my favorite 7". 
Anyways yesterday there he is singing another mystery for me-that amazing Red Go-Cart song.

I love a good mystery song but finding out who actually wrote it is the best feeling ever. Now if I can only find out who the heck sings that beautiful Angels, etc song. 

EDIT: The Red Go-Cart song is actually called Little Red Go-Cart and it's by Throw That Beat In The Garbagecan


I need to investigate the essence of each being

Film news:

Yesterday my friend was telling me that Jean Claude Van Damme has a new movie coming out. I blinked, but she continued to tell me that it actually looks good. I blinked twice. She showed me the trailer and I'm a believer. JCVD looks like Jean Claude starring in Dog Day Afternoon but less ATTICA! and more funny without being campy.

Aside from it's limited showing starting November 7th (which I doubt will be shown in South Florida)  Fort Lauderdale International Film Festival starts this weeks! Something worth doing in South Florida-finally! Sadly, this will be the first time going to FLIFF without my sister! Bummer. 
Though here's my youtube list of what I want to see:


Slowly I am trying to write down every female character I can relate to in a film. Hopefully this character can be added? So far I got:
Monica Vitti's character in L'Eclisse
Thora Birch's character in Ghost World
Audrey Tautou's character in Amelie
Miranda July's character in Me and You and Everyone We Know
Every female character in Pedro Almodovar's films
And a little bit of Shannyn Sossamon's character in Wristcutters: A Love Story and Parker Posey's character in Party Girl

Pussyfoot-Embedding code was disabled, but the title Pussyfoot should give anyone a reason to watch it.

Synecdoche, New York

Charlie Kaufman. That's all I have to say.

Music news:

Yo La Tengo are having their 8 days of Hanukkah at Maxwell's, but they are playing with THE FEELIES and VIVIAN GIRLS on New Year's Eve. Did I metion YO LA TENGO are also playing. Of all places New Jersey. What a girl to do?

what a girl to do?


The way that I feel when you cry is so bad

While on train yesterday I overheard this woman on the phone talking about how she wants to see her child (I guess she wasn't allowed to see her child). Then I heard her trying to cry in silence, but in a close proximity you can her weeping. Although I couldn't see her, her friend was sitting next to her just staring her. This older lady came by after a bit of the woman crying and stared to talk to her-giving her old lady wisdom. 

For some reason the sight of a woman crying breaks me. I'm not sure if every woman experiences this, but it's something that transform my own identity. It's one of the few moments for me that I completely can relate. When I see and listen (not hear) a woman cry-I automatically start crying. I see myself in her. All her emotions I feel. I have this weird aesthetic experience whenever I see Claire Danes on screen crying. She's one of the few actresses that when she cries you can see every pain in her face. Call it uglyface, but it's beautiful and hurtful. Reverting back to non verbal communication is the most honest someone could be with you, unless well you're acting. But it's one of the few times when there's no failed communication. You get it.

For that older lady on the train she told the crying woman that it's not always like this. She said sweet little encouragements to cheer her up. That made me smile.


Now I know I have a heart, because it's breaking

Sunday's Favorite Selection #9

Watch Death to the Tinman in Entertainment Videos  |  View More Free Videos Online at Veoh.com

Side note: This short film got me to start writing my ideas down for my screenplay.


How to be socially knowledgeable

The best thing next to wikipedia is wikiHow. There's something so interesting about people taking the time to write or edit information. What's real? Who cares. Everything is this world is pretty much a lie. Information gets lost through miscommunication anyways so why is it frown upon when I use the best thing in the internet?

Back to wikiHow. I stumble upon it a few months ago and was giggling to myself on all the silly how-to whatever. It started with How To Be A Pop Kid. I laughed it off but it's so true. Step number 12 states: Try to persuade countless friends to listen to pop with mixtapes. (or CDs if you're digitally inclined) Be crushed when they don't listen to them. Oh how I've fallen into that mistake plenty of times. A tip: A lot of your indiepop days might be kind of lonely, so fill them with other hobbies besides zinemaking and band-doing! Examples include trainspotting, shoegazing, knitting, looking at bridges, trying to draw the Sarah Records or K Records logo JUST RIGHT, daydreaming, mixtaping, taking long walks while listening to the Field Mice, and arts and crafts.  And of course I need a lot of money to buy records. 

Here's a list of other gigglefest of wikiHow (that relates to me-duh)
How To Hug

My favorite thing along side from the wikis is when you're having a conversation with someone (example: about a band) and they totally start vomiting information you read from the band's wikipedia. Yeah.


In the streets of Philadelphia

Sunday's Favorite Selection #8

Side note:
Philadelphia is filled with babies and Bruce Springsteen. I want to go back.