A magazine about female drummers? I giggled and held the first issue like a prize. Interviews of Frankie Rose, Ali Koehler and others makes Tom Tom Magazine a forceful beat (harhar) to the lack of media representation of women in music.
Since I can remember no other instrument made me want to play music. I spent hours in front my parent's mirror, listening to Hole's Live Through This and pretending I was playing the drums. Since then, I have only been on a drum kit twice and both occurred last year. Finally I will get my drumming lessons and possibly buy my kit once funds and space kick in. Which leads to why I was disappointed with Frankie Rose's interview. A quite boring interview in which Frankie Rose shrugs at all the questions related to drumming. Understandably she doesn't consider herself a drummer but has been in some of the most talked about bands such as Vivian Girls, Crystal Stilts and Dum Dum Girls. How can it be that this magazine's first interview is about a drummer who doesn't consider herself a drummer?
I've thought about it for awhile, and thought that deconstruction of drum playing is fine, keeping it simple is fine, but it gets boring quickly. You can't be punk at the age 40. As a listener I can appreciate Frankie Rose and her musical projects, but as a musician I would want to change everything she represents. I guess that's how it usually goes.